Join Steph for this soulful immersion into Bhakti Yoga through both the philosophical and physical practice.
Bhakti is the the yoga of devotion. This extended workshop will illuminate the jewels of 2 essential yoga texts: the Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras through lively lecture/discussion, storytelling, contemplation and inner-personal application. We will also explore many of the deities, their teachings, symbolism, and sacred mantras will help us engage Bhakti on a personal level. The experience of chanting together as a group and silently to oneself can unlock deep truths and heal the heart of the practitioner. Bhakti, being the heart of yoga, calls on us to engage the pulse that brings the practice to life.
Each day will include:
- A deep vinyasa practice meant to help us embody the teachings
- Lecture/discussion sessions
- Breakout work
- Individual contemplation and application of teachings
- Meditation
- Chanting
All Levels
Thursday - Friday | 9am-5pm
Saturday | 12:30 - 7pm